Kendrick Student Leaders 2024-25

The 18 Kendrick Student Leaders, as they are now known as, make up four separate committees, elected by students and staff, to represent their school. The four committees are: Curriculum and Current Affairs Committee, Student Wellbeing Committee, Community Committee and House System Committee. 

These students undertake specific roles working with younger students in the school organising and supporting inter-year and interhouse events in school. The KSL has an important role in representing the school, both in school and at out of school events. They are excellent Ambassadors for the school.

Curriculum and Current Affairs Committee 

As the Curriculum and Current Affairs Committee, we aim to enhance the curriculum through investigating the barriers hindering access and organising a range of events and opportunities to make the students’ experience at Kendrick as enjoyable, rewarding and character-enhancing as possible. We plan to introduce a buddy system, which we believe will help with the integration of new students, and hope to reinstate the Refugee Club to give opportunities to those who come from less advantageous situations. Our committee also believes in the importance of integrating current affairs into the curriculum through the continuation of current events assemblies and the introduction of seminar-like sessions and debates. We believe that this will broaden one’s perspective and help to raise awareness on important current global issues which our students will go on to tackle in their own ways when they leave Kendrick. We are also eager to play a role in Open Days and Admissions Days.

2022-2023 Current Affairs Rewind & Competition

Student Wellbeing Committee 

As the Student Wellbeing Committee, we are passionate about ensuring that every student at Kendrick feels comfortable and cared for in an environment in which they can be open about their health and are surrounded by ample resources to aid them. To do this, we plan on regularly communicating with all students so that we can explore and break down the barriers to receiving help and provide further education regarding wellbeing through events during Mental Health Awareness Week, as well as giving talks on the process of receiving support from a more personal angle. We hope to assist in integrating new students into our community through providing safe spaces such as The Base, in which we will continue to run weekly activities, as well as offering informal opportunities to socialise and our own friendships to anyone who would like one. We have the privilege of working with the Student Welfare Team at Kendrick and, with their guidance, we know that we can create an atmosphere of reassurance and hope for the future.

Community Committee 

We are passionate about fostering our unique Kendrick spirit and are excited to bring our school community together with a series of events throughout the year.

Alongside our iconic Kendrick classics such as the lip sync battle and teachers dodgeball, we hope to showcase all the incredible talents in our community through sports competitions and talent shows. Within the wider community, we have made several fundraising efforts for remarkable organisations and charities such as the Whitley Food Cupboard and Royal Berks Charity. We hope to deepen our impact by introducing new initiatives such as pen pal programmes, workshops and student-led magazines.

We are looking forward to celebrating and continuing to build our community with you all!

Cedars House Captains 

The House Committee’s aim is to give students the opportunity to build friendships and create lasting memories while promoting inclusion and community spirit within the school. Each event hopes to be an occasion for pupils to try a fun new activity that will earn valuable points towards their house and for them to develop their all-important competitive side.  We look forward to seeing everyone get involved and having fun!

Palmer House Captains 

The House Committee’s aim is to give students the opportunity to build friendships and create lasting memories while promoting inclusion and community spirit within the school. Each event hopes to be an occasion for pupils to try a fun new activity that will earn valuable points towards their house and for them to develop their all-important competitive side. We look forward to seeing everyone get involved and having fun!

Sidmouth House Captains

The House Committee’s aim is to give students the opportunity to build friendships and create lasting memories while promoting inclusion and community spirit within the school. Each event hopes to be an occasion for pupils to try a fun new activity that will earn valuable points towards their house and for them to develop their all-important competitive side. We look forward to seeing everyone get involved and having fun!