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  • Mathematics

    “Our main aim is for students to develop confidence with mathematical skills and knowledge whenever and wherever they meet them now and in the future. “

    The Mathematics Department aims to encourage enjoyment of and enthusiasm for mathematics. We aim that all students will develop their mathematical potential, that they are stretched and challenged by their mathematical activities, but that they also maintain confidence in their ability to deal with these challenges.

    We also aim to encourage the students to develop the following skills and abilities:

    • An ability to think mathematically: precisely, logically and creatively
    • A willingness and ability to work independently and co-operatively, and to be prepared to persevere when problem solving
    • An ability to understand mathematical ideas and communicate them in a variety of modes; an appreciation of the interdependence of different branches of mathematics
    • An appreciation of the ways mathematics is used
    • The knowledge, skills and understanding needed to apply a range of mathematical concepts to situations which may arise in their own lives
    • The skill to investigate mathematical ideas, and to test and prove their own hypotheses; an ability to use mathematics across the curriculum
    • A firm foundation for appropriate further study

    Most mathematics lessons take place in a suite of four classrooms. Mathematics lessons are lively and varied, including group work, discussion, practical activities, use of interactive whiteboards and computer packages, use of individual mini-whiteboards, and plenty of time for individual work.

    Students have the opportunity to participate in the national UK Mathematics Challenges and enjoy considerable success, with several students qualifying for the next round of competitions each time. We also enter teams for the UK Team Mathematics Challenges. As well as national competitions, Kendrick runs its own monthly Maths Puzzle competition.

    Some Year 9 students have the opportunity to attend a series of Mathematics Masterclasses.

    Year 12 students are able to attend Maths Inspiration, a series of lectures designed to inspire and intrigue them with interesting and stimulating mathematical topics. We also encourage students to participate in other activities run by universities and elsewhere.

    What is studied in KS3?

    The KS3 course is designed to revise topics previously met, to build on them and to introduce new aspects of mathematics. Students are encouraged to develop their reasoning and investigative skills. Emphasis is placed on encouraging communication verbally and in written form to explain students’ ideas and solutions coherently. 



    Years 7 and 8 take part in the UKMT Junior Mathematical Challenge and a team of 4 students from Years 8 and 9 represent the school in the UKMT Team Maths Challenge.

    Year 9 take part in the UKMT Intermediate Mathematical Challenge.

    What is studied in KS4?

    In Years 10 and 11 we follow the AQA specification for GCSE at the higher tier. Students continue in their mathematics sets up to their GCSE examination.

    What is studied in KS5?

    Mathematics is a very popular subject for AS and full A-level with a very high proportion of the sixth form opting to study mathematics. An increasing number of students are also choosing to study AS and A-level Further Mathematics. Within the Mathematics course, students study pure mathematics as well as statistics and mechanics. As part of their course, Further Mathematics students study core pure, and further statistics and further mechanics options. A number of students choose to take Further Mathematics AS in Year 13.

    Edexcel is the examination board followed; A-level Mathematics (9MA0) and A-level Further Mathematics (9FM0). Each student has two mathematics teachers to support different aspects of the A-level curriculum, and regular homework tasks and assessments are given to monitor progress. At the beginning of Year 12, students take a short diagnostic assessment, to ensure that they can cope with the algebraic rigour of the A-level course. In addition to the support given in lessons, further support lessons are run for students as well as drop-in sessions at lunchtime or after school. 

    Students in Years 12 and 13 take part in the UKMT Senior Mathematical Challenge, and a team of 4 students represents the school in the UKMT Senior Team Maths Challenge competition.


    Mr Will Stride - Subject Leader

    Mrs Hannah White - Second in Mathematics Department

    Miss Treassuir Campbell

    Mrs Elizabeth Glaister 

    Mrs Prabhleen Kaur

    Ms Yvonne Le Croissette 

    Mrs Rita Obeng

    Miss Jennifer Parris K5 Coordinator

    Mr Nicholas Simmonds - Deputy Head

    Mrs Nicola Trust