Wellbeing Support for the Exam Season

Looking after your wellbeing is always important but especially so during the busy exam season.

We have gathered a few useful guides on how you (and your parents) can help support you during this time, some strategies for keeping calm and some ideas for self-care.

Please remember that school is here to help you, talk to your teachers or contact the Student Welfare Team, studentwelfare@kendrick.reading.sch.uk, for support.

Calming Strategies  for Dealing with Exam Anxiety  

Exam and test anxiety is perfectly normal​. It can help to motivate us to study, to stay focused, and enhance our performance​. BUT sometimes anxiety negatively impacts on how we feel, how we think, our physiological responses and how we behave​.  


Everyone’s approach to self-care will look different. What works for you might not work for others. There are lots of different self-care strategies so you can try out different ones until you find something that works for you:

Here are over 90 self-care strategies identified and written by young people on On My Mind so you can try out different ones until you find something that works for you.

Draw up a plan and put aside some time every day for yourself and say what you will do.