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  • A Recount of PGL 2018

    Monday the 4th of June 2018 saw Year 9 leave for Devon for a week long trip to PGL. The weather was cloudy and dull, but that didn’t mirror our emotions at all. We were all so excited to get away and relax for a week. As soon as we got there, we were greeted by cheerful, smiley staff thus instantly uplifting our moods and helping us to settle in after a long coach ride.

    The PGL staff, especially, were one of the highlights of our trip. They were all so lovely and kept us safe during the activities. After a simple tour around, we had our first meal. All of the food was prepared so well- and it was all so delicious!  The main building was mostly comprised of dorms so space was not too much of an issue and although it wasn’t any five star hotel, the stay was cozy and sufficient for our week long trip.

    At PGL, the food was definitely one of the highlights on our trip. There was always a wide variety of dishes, different everyday with plenty of options to choose from. The friendly chefs catered for all types of diets, including some delicious vegan meals. There was also an unlimited salad bar at lunch and dinner which was also delicious. The dorm-style accommodation we stayed in was called Beam house and was indeed a very good experience. The rooms were a mixture of the forms to help us to interact and make new friends. The dorms were quite large in size and we all had enough room to put our luggage, relax and have fun. Outside the manor house was a beautiful view of woodland and greenery, a perfect place to play games in the sun. The accommodation also had a basketball court, a tuck shop and a pool table which we all enjoyed. However, we cannot forget the staff at PGL who were absolutely amazing and enthusiastic throughout the trip. The staff looked after us and run our activities. They were very funny, knowledgeable and encouraged us to conquer any fears we had. They helped us in our activities as well as running evening activities such as the campfire and ultimate frisbee. We would like to thank Emily, Lea and Emma especially for being great team leaders and for the amazing campfire we had on the last night. 

    At PGL, the activities were very memorable and it was a great experience. Throughout the week, we did a vast range of activities, from high ropes and zip wire to coastal walk and surfing. All the activities were a new adventure which made us more confident and helped us to face any fears that we had. The range of activities required different skills such as accuracy (rifle shooting and archery), climbing (high ropes, trapeze and zip wire) and many others which we all developed. The PGL staff helped us overcome our fears by encouraging us but they made sure not to force us at all. We were also split into eight groups which we rotated in so that all the groups had a turn on all of the activities. The groups were also a mix of classes - so that meant we could make new friends and prepare us for our new forms in Year 10. As well as making new friends, the groups were also made so that there were other people from our forms as well. We all had many laughs with people we would never think to talk with, so that was a surprise!

    Also If you couldn’t participate in an event for whatever reason you could still come along and join the others. For example, some of us missed surfing but we still had a great time, we could collect seashells and walk calf-deep in the sea and along the shore. The teachers are also great company! PGL staff made sure you were enjoying yourself!

    by Drishti (9T) , Helena (9W) and Hridya (9V)