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  • Literary Celebrations

    Across this academic year, the English Department are celebrating significant literary figures with activities and competitions related to their lives and works. At the end of last term, we marked Jane Austen’s birthday, and students were invited to write creatively using Austen’s famous opening ‘It is a truth universally acknowledged…’; Xuan  in Year 10 wrote the winning piece.

    Students were also invited go on a hunt for the ‘calling cards’ of Austen heroines around the school and then had to match the names to their novels. In a fantastic joint effort, Akshaya and Daisy in Year 7 succeeded in locating and matching all the characters. Here they are with their prize and one of the ‘cards’. Well done to all our winners, and thanks to all who took part.

    On 23rd April - both his birth and death day - it was of course the turn of the Bard of Avon, William Shakespeare.  Students began the day by sharing Shakespearean compliments, and for the past two weeks there have been a quiz and poster competition running – look out for the winners of these soon!