Upper School and Sixth Form Chamber Concert 2022
It was the first live Upper School and Sixth Form Chamber Concert since the pandemic. Featuring students from Years 10 - 13, organised and led by GCSE Music students with minimal help from the teachers, it allowed them to take on more responsibility and learn about the different aspects of staging a concert. They’ve enjoyed learning about sound and lighting, as well as all the essential roles such as advertising, programming, running rehearsals, stage management and the list goes on…
Our students surpassed all expectations by demonstrating confidence and courage in their performances, resulting in some emotional and moving moments for the audience. The quality of some of the pieces were of a professional standard worthy of any major concert hall.
Thank you first and foremost to the student performers, and also the staff, Mrs Cooper and Mrs Rohweder and Ms Fieldsend and other staff who work to support the Music Department to put on such an event, and of course to parents for the support and encouragement you give to your children.