Careers Quiz Winner

On Profiling Day, Year 9 students had a 'Careers' session in the Library which was very interesting and engaging. It started off with Mrs Williamson telling us some career related jokes, which I found quite funny. We were given booklets with questions, to which we had to find the answers by searching for them in the books in the Career Library.
When we were told it was a competition, I was definitely excited about the activity. Completing the booklet was like a scavenger hunt, as we had to look for the books mentioned in the question, and then search through the book to find the answers to our question. Whilst doing these questions, I came across a very interesting book, which I had used to answer some of the questions in the booklet.
It was called ‘Careers 2021’, the 17th edition, and it had an A-Z of careers, with a page for each career. Every page had a clear breakdown of what was involved in that career - detailing the qualifications required, skills, qualities, and day to day activities. I found this to be very interesting and helpful, as anyone could go to this book for a quick reference about a career. This was just one of the many useful books in the Career Library, and I was happy to know that we had resources like this, as it is very helpful to be able to get an understanding of what certain careers are like, and to get some advice on choosing a career.
After we had finished the main questions on the booklet, we had the task of thinking up our own career related riddles, and some of the riddles people came up with were very funny. Once we had finished with the booklet, we got into teams and did a scavenger hunt - which was extremely exciting and fun. My team didn’t quite win, but we had fun, nevertheless.
Overall, I really enjoyed our session in the library.
Bhavishya - Year 9
Profiling day quiz winner Bhavishya receiving her prize from Mrs Rock, Work Related Learning Coordinator.