Choral Masterclass with Harmesh Gharu

Following the success of the first ‘Performer Series’ Masterclass with Chi-Chi Nwanoku OBE last year, Kendrick School Music Department is excited to host its second ‘Performer Series’ event, our Choral Masterclass on Wednesday 23rd January. Students from Kendrick School and soprano/alto singers from surrounding schools are invited to join in this free choral masterclass in which students will work on two contrasting choral pieces, as well as experiencing three masterclasses with senior vocal students. There will also be a short time for a Q&A with tea and nibbles, and will culminate in a short concert (no interval) at 7pm featuring Harmesh Gharu himself, as well as the vocal masterclass students and the choir as a whole. Tickets will cost £5 for adults (students will not be charged) and can be brought in advance on ParentPay (Kendrick students and parents only) or bought on the door. Doors open at 6.45pm. To sign up, please send your child’s name, form (or age if not from Kendrick School), part (soprano 1 or 2/alto 1 or 2), approximate standard and your contact details to