Students Respond Creatively to 'Counting' Poetry Competition

Kendrick students have once again showcased their creativity and poetic flair in response to this term's whole-school poetry competition inspired by the theme of this year's National Poetry Day, which was counting.
At first glance, this seemed like a challenging topic on which to write a poem, perhaps more suited to a Maths lesson than an English competition, but we were wowed by the range and quality of responses received from students in all Year groups.
After much deliberation, we were delighted to announce that the winning poem was 'Grasping the Uncountable' by Faith in Year 11, and the runners-up were 'Counting' by Neha in Year 8, 'Waste' by Mayuri in Year 10 and '31 December, 23:52' by Joy in Year 12. These students' poems all, in different ways, used the theme of counting to think about what really 'counts' in life, whether through paying attention to the natural world, making the most of our time on earth or taking care of our planet. You can click on the links to read all four of these poems.
Congratulations to our winners, runners-up and everyone who entered, and many thanks to the student-led Poetry Communications Team for organising and publicising this competition.
Mr Dilley and Miss Waller