Kendrick School Expansion Proposal Plans

We, the Chair of Governors and Headteacher of Kendrick School, are writing to you at the start of a four week statutory consultation period from 7th June 2018 to 5th July 2018, regarding the proposed expansion of Kendrick School.

The background to the expansion is varied and multifarious. It aims to address the increasing population of secondary age students in Reading and the local area and hence the growing need and demand for additional secondary school places. Within this context Kendrick School would like to be able to offer more selective places.

In addition, with the recent government announcement of capital funding to support applications for expanding selective schools, we propose to increase the number of students at Kendrick School, including disadvantaged students, which we believe supports the Local Authority and the government’s aims to improve social mobility and life chances for the young people of Reading and the local area. Kendrick School is well placed to meet some of this additional demand and extend more opportunities to families and students from disadvantaged backgrounds who may benefit from the educational experience we can offer. This initiative will require capital investment in the school to create new accommodation and modify parts of existing buildings.

The proposal is that Kendrick School will expand from three forms of entry per year (96 students) to four forms of entry per year (128 students). If successful with our government capital bid, we anticipate that the first four form entry intake will be in September 2020, expanding in stages each year thereafter by 32 students until 2024. This will result in our numbers on roll in Years 7 to 11 increasing from 480 to 640 by 2024.

In recent months we have been undertaking a process to identify how we can create additional school places at Kendrick School and more recently have had initial discussions with the Local Authority (LA) on how any proposed increase may benefit disadvantaged students in Reading. A planning proposal will be submitted to the Planning Department at Reading Borough Council to build additional classrooms and laboratories to facilitate the increased student population. This will form part of our application to the Department for Education for the investment needed.

Having undertaken a site management review and analysis, we believe the expansion is manageable and will benefit the existing students in the school. The standards and delivery of our educational offer will remain assured and will continue to be of outstanding quality.

All the consultation documentation is available on our website,, and all stakeholders have an opportunity to comment on our proposal.

There is a consultation meeting for parents/carers and stakeholders on Thursday 21st June 2018 at 7.00pm. This will provide an opportunity to find out more about the expansion proposals and ask questions. For number purposes only, please complete the form via this link indicating your intention to attend the meeting.

We have included Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) which we hope will be helpful. Your consultation responses and questions can be submitted by completing the consultation questionnaire on our website via this link or by sending any comments to: Ms Amanda Emberson, PA to the Headteacher, Kendrick School, London Road, Reading, RG1 5BN or emailing by 5th July 2018.

We hope that you will support our proposal to expand Kendrick School.

Yours faithfully

Mrs Jan Nowecki                                  Ms Christine Kattirtzi
Chair of the Governing Body            Headteacher