Wellbeing Theme for the Term

Our Wellbeing theme for Terms 3 and 4 is Time To Talk which is linked to Children's Mental Health Week 5-11th February 2024 .  Our Wellbeing Ambassadors will be putting together a presentation and newsletter to share with their forms and our Student Wellbeing Committee (SWC) is enjoying putting together another podcast, supported by Miss Hyde. The SWC is also preparing a presentation on behalf of the student body on how parents and carers can support them with their mental health and wellbeing.

Time to Talk Day - 1st February 2024 

Time to Talk Day is an annual awareness day held at the beginning of February. It’s a day for us all to start a conversation about mental health. Talking about mental health isn't easy. But a conversation has the power to change lives. Time to Talk Day is run by Mind and Rethink Mental Illness, in partnership with the Co-op.

Resources for Parents and Carers 

Talking to your child about their mental health and wellbeing
Giving children and young people opportunities to open up is one of the biggest things that parents and carers can do to support their wellbeing. It can be easy to forget the simple power of sharing what we’re going through and feeling heard. But even though you can’t fix everything when your child is struggling, you can make them feel seen and understood – and this in itself can make them feel more able to cope.

Talking about how they are, how their day has been and what’s on their mind as part of everyday family life shows your child that you're interested in them and want to listen. It also supports them to practise thinking and talking about their feelings, helping them to get to know themselves and what they need.

But talking isn't always easy. You might feel like you don’t know where to start, when a ‘good time’ is, or how your young person will react. Or, you might be worried about making things worse or saying the wrong thing. If this is the case, try to remember that your child doesn't need you to always get it right - they just need to know you're there.

In the link below you can find lots of ideas, conversation starters and advice from Young Minds for making talking easier.

Young Minds - How to talk to your child about mental health

Resources for Young People

Tips for Asking an Adult for Help
If you have a problem you can’t fix on your own, it’s a good idea to speak to an adult you trust (a ‘trusted adult’). Telling someone you need help isn’t always easy, but click here for the latest Wellbeing Newsletter which has some advice to help you.

Tellmi is an amazing app that allows you to post questions and talk about anything you are going through and receive support from others. That could be someone your age, a super-peer or even a counsellor. For information on how to download the App and how it works click here.

There is always someone that you can talk to… at Kendrick you can speak to your tutor, any member of staff you feel comfortable with, a friend or Wellbeing Ambassador, or come and see the Student Welfare Team in the General Office or Sixth Form Office. Alternatively you can email studentwelfare@kendrick.reading.sch.uk.

Resources for Staff 

Young Minds also a useful resource aimed at professionals on how to have a conversation with young people about their mental health, and how you can respond when a young person opens up to you. You can access that resource here

Children's Mental Health Awareness Week - 5th to 11th February 2024

Children's Mental Health Week is a mental health awareness week that empowers, equips and gives a voice to all children and young people in the UK. 

Everyone can take part in Children’s Mental Health Week! Download our free resources for schools and families and find out how you can take part to raise vital funds and awareness for children’s mental health.

Children's Mental Health Week was launched in 2015 and each year, hundreds of schools, children, parents and carers take part. Now in its 10th year, our theme is ‘My Voice Matters’.

My Voice Matters is about empowering children and young people by providing them with the tools they need to express themselves.

When we feel empowered, there’s a positive impact on our wellbeing. Children who feel that their voices are heard and can make a difference have a greater sense of community and self-esteem. This year, we want children of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to be empowered to work together to create a positive change for their mental health and wellbeing.

During Children’s Mental Health Week, we want all children and young people to be able to say – and believe - “My Voice Matters.”

Resources for Parents and Carers

Click here for what children and young people told Place2Be that they needed from their parents/carers to support them with their mental health and wellbeing and some ways to start a conversation with your child or young person about their mental health.

For more resources and information on supporting your child's mental health from Place2Be, please click here.

Resources for Young People

Below is link to a short film with Roman Kemp talking to young people who have been through difficult struggles with their mental health and featuring Tom Grennan. This was recorded ahead of Children’s Mental Health week.

Here4You - No young person should ever feel alone

Here4You believe that connecting with others can be life changing. They are there to make sure you get the support you need, through practical tips and advice from their charity partners, as well on information on getting the support you need.

Shout – here for you 24/7 with resources and tips to support you when you are feeling anxious, low, stressed or overwhelmed.
The Mix – understanding Mental Health can be trick but The Mix is there to make sure you don’t have to do it alone. The Mix Counselling service offers short-term help with mental health and emotional wellbeing for anyone aged 25 and under.
Young Minds – can help you find the right support for you. From looking after your mental health to understanding medication, they are lots of useful links to all kins of advice and guidance.

Mind – Mind understand mental health and wellbeing. They are there for you if you are finding things hard. They help everyone understand mental health problems, so no-one has to feel alone.