Eco Committee

Kendrick School’s Eco-Committee was set up in 2017, as it is important to us that we are conscious of the impact our school has on the area around us and the wider world. The committee consists of one to two representatives from each form in the school, elected by their peers, as well as several keen staff members.

Having been established for less than a year, we are proud to have achieved the Bronze Eco-Schools Award and are working towards obtaining Silver. We have set up an action plan to reduce the landfill waste produced and increase the recycling done within the school. One of our initiatives has been to pair up and re-designate bins; proposals to manage food packaging are being worked on, as we work through the practicalities of bringing Tupperware, using dishwashers or using recyclable cartons; and our new eating spaces are part of this drive to reduce plastic waste and change our habits.

Eco-Committee brings these matters before the students and raises them with school leadership, in the hope that students will take this initiative to heart and think about the impact they are having while in school and elsewhere.

The state of the environment is a problem that society is becoming increasingly aware of, thanks to programmes like ‘Blue Planet’ and several high-impact reports on BBC News. At Kendrick we want to do the best we can to have a positive impact. If you have ideas or contacts that you think would be of use in helping Kendrick to be more Eco-friendly, we’d love to hear from you. Please support us through discussing these matters with your child.

This year the Eco Committee is taking part in the Eco-schools program and did a survey on the areas we would like to focus on.  The results of the survey are:

1.  Biodiversity

2.  Energy

3.  Waste

For the month of November, we launched the 'Cut your Carbon Initiative'.  Here is a checklist.

Climate Change Conference 2022 

Climate Change Conference 2022

Action Points from the Climate Change Conference 2022

  • Proper recycling, including food waste collection
  • Replace gas boilers with electric boilers
  • A possible collaboration with ‘Nature, Nurture’
    • Going out into nature
    • Curriculum enrichment - not as easily done
    • Biodiversity audit
      • Information available at BBOWT
  • Energy efficiency - LEDs
    • Need for more budgeting?
  • Travel to school - increasing number of school streets around Kendrick
    • All about discipline
  • Knowledge is power
    • Measure what you have
    • Monitor these
    • Manage any problems
  • Monitor washrooms
    • What is going down them? E.g. sanitary products
    • Water wastage - leakages, etc.
  • Community garden projects externally around Reading which are connected to food kitchens
    • Promote these to help create green spaces

Tips for a Sustainable Halloween

EcoSpot at Kendrick and the Challenges 

Welcome to EcoSpot 

 Ecospot has made us our own mini-website, which has exciting ideas on it

News Updates 

As part of the recycling initiative, we are aiming to expand to include more products in addition to batteries, ink cartridges and stationary that we currently recycle. Students will be decorating and upcycling the NHS Test and Trace boxes for recycling collection purposes.

Upcycling Competition

EcoSpot Update at Kendrick - 18th June 2021

EcoSpot Update at Kendrick - 11th June 2021