Year 7 House Chess 2022

With nearly half of Year 7 choosing to participate in House Chess this year, we saw victories, losses and incredibly close draws, all from students eager to play chess in their first ever house event as part of Kendrick. Participants joined throughout the lunch break to get involved, some without any chess experience at all, providing competitive and tantalisingly close match ups.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the contest, as every single game contributed points to your house total, and you managed to fill the main hall with how many of you there were!


We would like to thank Mrs Conlon as well, for all of her preparation for the event and her much-needed adjudication in the case of draws. She also runs a regular chess club on a Thursday at lunchtime in room D, so we encourage anyone interested in chess to go along.


Wins being awarded 3 points, draws 2, and losses 1, all houses placed within only 10 points of one another, meaning it was a very close contest and came down to the number of losses in each house. Sidmouth came 3rd with 43 points and Cedars came 2nd with 50, meaning Palmer (with 53 points) claimed the title of Year 7 House Chess Champions of 2022.