Down on the Farm
Message from Frau Alderson
Hello Everyone
I hope that you are all well and that the sunshine is going some way to lifting your spirits. As I know only too well, I am extremely lucky to be living on a small farm, particularly at this time of year when life really does begin again. Instead of hogging it all to myself (no pun intended regarding our pigs!) I thought it would be even more enjoyable if I could share it with our Kendrick community, with Ms Kattirtzi’s blessing of course. Therefore, in the coming weeks, I will be doing a daily blog on life down on our tiny farm, which I hope you will find interesting, informative and fun.
Viel Vergnügen.
Frau A
Hello Everyone I hope you are enjoying the videos and keeping well. On the off chance that you would like an additional challenge, here is a link to a farm-based puzzle. I have started with a photo you should recognise to break you in...but thereafter who knows!!! Viel Spass!