Non Routine Admissions

In Year Admissions occur when a student on roll leaves the school and creates a vacancy. A vacancy is created when the number of students on roll for a particular year group falls below the admission number.

IMPORTANT: Invitations to test in July 2024 were sent out on 10th June 2024 and, as specified on our non-routine admission policy, the prospective list closed on that date for this academic year.  Candidates added to the prospective list after that date will not be invited to interview. The application form will re-open in September 2024. You must complete a new application when the form opens in September 2024.

Our Published Admission Numbers (PAN) for Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 is 128 and for Year 11, 96.

The In Year Admissions process is normally triggered when the above conditions are met in Year 9, Year 8 and Year 7 (after December 31st). For Year 7 vacancies, the initial waiting list arising from the admissions test is used until December 31st.

In line with the Schools Admission Code, we will be testing all applicants on our prospective list (who reside within our designated area) in the summer term, regardless of whether we have any places available.  If a place becomes vacant before the summer term we will invite candidates to test who are on the prospective list, in line with our oversubscription criteria.

Therefore, if you wish your child to remain on the prospective list you will need to complete a new application every academic year. Kendrick School is not responsible for ensuring your child is on this list.

Year Groups - 2023/2024

Year Group Date of Birth
Year 7 1st September 2011 to 31st August 2012
Year 8 1st September 2010 to 31st August 2011
Year 9 1st September 2009 to 31st August 2010
Year 10 1st September 2008 to 31st August 2009
Year 11 1st September 2007 to 31st August 2008
Year 12 1st September 2006 to 31st August 2007
Year 13 1st September 2005 to 31st August 2006

Prospective List Application Form


If you wish your child to remain on the prospective list you will need to complete a new application every academic year. Kendrick School is not responsible for ensuring your child is on this list.

Non-Routine Admission Guidelines 

Inviting Candidates into Test

In line with the Schools Admission Code, we will be testing all applicants on our prospective list (who reside within our designated area) in the summer term, regardless of whether we have any places available.  If a place becomes vacant before the summer term we will invite candidates to test who are on the prospective list, in line with our oversubscription criteria.

  • Invite to test will be sent to the email address provided by the parent/carer on the online application form
  • Testing must take place at Kendrick School.
  • Testing must take place on the day allocated unless there are exceptional circumstances. In some cases no other testing date will be available.
  • Testing may take place at any time of the year and the successful candidate must be able to join Kendrick School at the beginning of the next half term at the latest.
  • Depending on the number of candidates, in line with our non-routine admission policy, we may only test students in Categories 1, 2 and 3 of the oversubscription criteria (looked after children, students in receipt of pupil premium or service premium, and students whose home address is in Priority Area 1 of the designated area.)


There will be tests in English, Mathematics and Cognitive Ability Tests (CATS).

The purpose of the tests is not only to determine academic aptitude, but to establish the ability of the applicant in relation to the group of students they would be joining, ie they must show that they are working at a similar level.

The English and Maths are therefore based on the knowledge and skills of the year group in question or what that particular year group has been learning.

The CATs tests give an overall indication of aptitude in Verbal, Non Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning and are used to determine who will be invited to Stage 2 (Maths and English tests). 


The test day will be in two stages:

Stage 1: Cognitive Ability Tests (CATS)

Stage 2: English and Mathematics tests

All invited candidates will take part in Stage 1. Only the top scoring candidates will be taken through to Stage 2.

This selection process sets out to identify students who are currently working at the level of Kendrick students.  The oversubscription criteria will be applied to ascertain the student who will join Kendrick School in Year 8 in September 2022. Please read the Non-Routine Admission Policy on our website for more information.

If we cannot fill the place with an applicant from categories 1, 2 or 3, we will ask applicants from category 4 and then category 5 to test.

In all cases, once an offer has been made, documentary evidence will be required to confirm the permanent home address.

Applicants who qualify under Category 2 or 3 of the oversubscription criteria may be asked to test before other applicants on the prospective list. This is at the discretion of the school.

  • Once the invite for testing has been sent out, the prospective list will close for that year group until the testing has taken place.

When a vacancy arises applicants will be invited to the school to take the tests described above. Applicants will be expected to spend a school day at Kendrick School, arriving by 9.30am and leaving around 3.15pm.   At break times, there will be an opportunity to meet members of the tutor group the successful candidate would be joining.

The duration of each test is set out below. This list is not necessarily in the order they would be completed on the test day.

  • English: up to 1 hour
  • Mathematics: 1 hour or 1 hour 30 minutes
  • CATs Tests: 1h 30m – 2 hrs. (depending on the number of candidates)

All the candidates will work in the same room, unless they require special arrangements and supervised by invigilators.

Applicants are expected to bring with them the equipment they would normally need for examinations: pen, pencil, ruler, eraser, mathematical equipment such as calculator, protractor and a compass.  


The tests in English and Mathematics are marked by members of the respective departments. Candidates are given a score or rank and the staff also judge their performance against the students currently in the year group, with one of the following recommendations:

“Work is at a level within the range for Kendrick  students”  


“Work is below the level of Kendrick students.”

The candidates are ranked accordingly and the candidate(s) with the best scores and recommendations will be offered the place(s). The school will not offer a place to the top candidate unless she can demonstrate that she is working at a level within the range of students in that year group.

All candidates will be notified of the outcome of the tests within 2 weeks.

Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) at Kendrick School

Students at Kendrick School study French or German in Year 7, and French and German in Years 8 and 9. All students are required to study either French or German (or can choose both) at GCSE.  The successful candidate may be asked to undertake a MFL oral assessment when joining the school to ascertain the candidate’s ability languages. 


If any special arrangements are required for an applicant to take the tests for admission, they must be requested when the invitation to attend the test day is accepted.  Written details of what is required and supporting information recommending the arrangements as appropriate to need must be submitted. It would be expected that there would be a history and evidence of need, with similar arrangements in place at the applicant’s current school. Kendrick School may contact the applicant’s school to verify and confirm existing arrangements.